Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Just What the Doctor Ordered

It seems that the Internet and the Bird’s Eye company have declared April 3rd to be “Fish Fingers and Custard Day,” in honor of the 2010 premiere date of the Doctor Who episode “The Eleventh Hour”. What better an opportunity to give it a try?

While there have been lots of great recipes online downplaying the sweet/savory aspect that makes this combination so “weird,” (ex: Alton Brown’s fish fingers and savory custard), for the sake of sheer nerdy authenticity, I wanted to try to get as close as possible to what little Amelia would’ve had in her fridge.

How convenient, then, to have access to a UK-import grocery!

Seeing as how everything was prepackaged, the preparation required was minimal -- Probably all for the best, if you’re trying to feed a newly-regenerated Time Lord who’s just destroyed a kitchen to satisfy an unspecified craving. 

Heat, pour, serve.

And then, taste.

With tea to wash it all down, naturally.



All in all, it wasn’t bad! While definitely an unusual flavor (certainly like nothing else I’ve eaten before), it was actually a pretty satisfying experience in balanced contrast: mild, smooth creamy sweetness against crumbly crispy saltiness. Who knew vanilla and white fish could actually work well together? At the risk of over-analyzing, it makes sense that this was the food of choice while the new regeneration was "still cooking". The flavor was very transitional - the tastes didn't blend together so much as bounce back and forth, highlighting one another. One moment, eggy vanilla; the next, bready, flaky fish, slightly briny with a bit of a metallic tinge...and back again with the next bite.

Unsurprisingly, I could only make my way through about four sticks of fish custard before my stomach began to object. However, I blame the heaviness of the meal more than the combination!

Would I eat it again? Sure, if I had the (unlikely) craving. Or, perhaps, next April 3rd.

Reviews of the Jelly Babies and Jammie Dodgers to come!

Additional Links:
'Fish Fingers and Custard Day' launched with Doctor Who tie-in”:

Birds Eye celebrate National Fish Fingers & Custard Day”:

Facebook: “Official Fish Fingers and Custard Day

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