Thursday, July 25, 2013

YAY Stuff: "Nothing to Prove"

"Nothing to Prove" by The Doubleclicks


A million times this.

Earlier this week, the Doubleclicks released a music video for their song “Nothing to Prove” off of their new album Lasers and Feelings. Directly responding to the seemingly inescapable controversy about “fake geek girls”, the video features women and men from around the internet holding up signs declaring solidarity in geekdom regardless of gender. And it’s delightful.

So many people contributed, in fact, that it broke their computer while compiling the video and they decided to start a Tumblr page for the project (#nothingtoprove) to make sure that everyone who wants to share their stories can be seen.

While the “fake geek girl” issue has been an ongoing point of discussion and annoyance for us here at the Team (and something that will come up again in the future), we’d rather share this video in the spirit of positivity and celebrating the idea that geekery comes in many forms. As they say in the song:

I've got cred but honestly, I shouldn't need it
This world needs all kinds of folks to complete it


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Bioshock Infinite's Elizabeth, and How to Make a Disney Princess Work

Kae's take on Elizabeth with Disney Princesses

***Everything that follows is a potential spoiler. Would you kindly finish the game and come back?***

There are approximately a hundred ways to get a female character wrong. Add another zero or two if that female character is a quest item, and another five or so if she's locked in a guarded tower and has at least one dead parent.

BioShock: Infinite's Elizabeth might check the majority of Disney Princess Trope boxes. She has no mother. She lives apart from the outside world. She has a giant (sort of) animal (sort of) friend in Songbird. She folk dances with strangers on sunlit beaches. She fusses and flits through the world with naive joy, remarking about things she'd only seen in books. She is undeniably special.